One of the D3 fitters negligently injured the claimant.
The OFT had concerns that this might potentially be used to exclude the auctioneer 's liability if he negligently enters the catalog description.
Some of these errors are caused by the ride's operators, such as failing to ensure all restraints are closed and locked, negligently operating the ride, or allowing activities that are inappropriate in the ride area.
Ignorance of a matter of fact may in general be alleged in avoidance of the consequences of acts and agreements, but such ignorance cannot be pleaded where it is the duty of a person to know, or where, having the means of knowledge at his disposal, he wilfully or negligently fails to avail himself of it (see Contract).
A large number of the inscriptions collected by Gamurrini in the appendices to Fabretti's Corpus inscriptionum italicarum are forgeries, and the text of the rest is negligently reported.