At the end of the Gardens is the rocky mass of Toprak Kale, on which was a fire temple and altar; near it is the Meker Kapusi ("Door of Mithridates"), a large inscribed slab of rock with the names of several deities.
We grow kale that lasts through the winter.
In the middle of the 19th century a sudden rise submerged several places on the banks, including Arjish Kale, and the waters did not again.
On the English side the region is watered by the Till, Bowmont, Coquet, Rede and North Tyne; on the Scottish by the Tweed, Whiteadder, Leet, Kale, Jed, Kershope, Liddel, Esk and Sark.
Also for the winter, and growing well, are purple sprouting broccoli and sea kale beet.