A mountainous region of northern Scotland famous for its rugged beauty; known for the style of dress (the kilt and tartan) and the clan system (now in disuse)
The source of the river is in the highlands of the Vindhyas, upwards of 2000 ft.
The tribal organization in northern Albania is an interesting survival of the earliest form of social combination; it may be compared in many respects with that which existed in the Scottish highlands in the time of the Stuart kings.
The highlands of Central America and the West Indies have preserved a number of Chino-Japanese typesBocconia, Deutzia, A belie, &c.not met with elsewhere in the New Woild.
This flora extends from Ireland to the Canaries and reappears on the highlands of Angola.
Father Francisco Paez acquired great influence in Abyssinia, and explored its highlands from 1600 to 1622.