The latter is therefore called the generating function of the former.
Putting n equal to co, in a generating function obtained above, we find that the function, which enumerates the asyzvgetic seminvariants of degree 0, is 1 1-z2.1-z3.1-z4....1-z0 that is to say, of the weight w, we have one form corresponding to each non-unitary partition of w into the parts 2, 3, 4,...0.
The generating function is I - z2' 52 For 0 =3, (alai +a2a2+a3a3) 10; the condition is clearly a1a2a3 = A3 = 0, and since every seminvariant, of proper degree 3, is associated, as coefficient, with a product containing A3, all such are perpetuants.
The generating function is thus z2e-1 - 1 (1 -z 2) (1 -z 3) (1 -z 4)...
Their Number For Any Weight W Is The Number Of Ways Of Composing W 3 With The Parts I, 2, And Thus The Generating Function Is Verified.