For Synonyms

fôr; fər when unstressed
  1. as
  2. since
  3. in consequence of the fact that
  1. toward
  2. to
  3. in-favor-of
  4. to be given to
  5. in order to get
  6. under the authority of
  7. in the interest of
  8. during
  9. in-order-to
  10. in the direction of
  11. to go to
  12. to the amount of
  13. to the extent of
  14. in-place-of
  15. instead-of
  16. in exchange for
  17. as
  18. in-spite-of
  19. supposing
  20. to counterbalance
  21. concerning
  22. with-respect-to
  23. with-regard-to
  24. conducive to
  25. beneficial to
  26. notwithstanding
  27. with-a-view-to
  28. for-the-sake-of
  29. in contemplation of
  30. in consideration of
  31. in furtherance of
  32. in honor of
  33. on-behalf-of
  34. in-the-name-of
  35. on the part of
  36. in pursuance of

Words Related to For

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
