From this point to the end of the period the Jews were dependents of Rome, free to attend to their own affairs, so long as they paid taxes to the subordinate rulers, Herodian or Roman, whom they detested equally.
The earliest settlement on the Acropolis was doubtless soon increased by groups of dwellings at its base, inhabited by the dependents of the princes who ruled in the stronghold.
Besides these there was a vast throng of dependents who lived by the temple and its services - theologi, who may have expounded sacred legends, hymnodi, who composed hymns in honour of the deity, and others, together with a great crowd of hieroi who performed more menial offices.
Many Aymara were dependents of these estates, exchanging labor or crops for usufruct rights to arable lands.
The household servants or dependents attached to the personal service of their masters were merely set free; and they entirely went to reinforce the town proletariat.