His versatility is further shown by the fact that he drew rough caricatures and other sketches with some spirit.
Lord Temple endeavoured to secure his exclusion on the ground that he had taken orders in the Church, and one of Gilray's caricatures delineates the two politicians, Temple and Camelford, playing at battledore and shuttlecock, with Horne Tooke as the shuttlecock.
Pleasing humorous sketches are contained also in Ignatius Nagy's Beszelyek (1843) and " Caricatures " or Torzkepek (1844); in Caspar Bernat's Fresko kepek (1847-1850); in Gustavus Lauka's Vida, and his A jo regi vilag (The Good Old World), published respectively in 1857 and 1863; and in Alexander Balazs's Beszelyei (1855) and TiikOrdarabok (1865).
Pelletan's indiscreet speeches did him no good; and he became a common subject for ill-natured caricatures.
But his position in the history of Spanish literature is due to his Historia del famoso predicador fray Gerundio de Campazas, alias Zotes (1758), a novel which wittily caricatures the bombastic eloquence of pulpit orators in Spain.