The sign does not often bode well with Cancer or other Aries' moon signs.
That does not bode well for me.
Such blatant disregard for the simple principles behind a student union does not bode well for the politics of the future.
In Bode's Jahrbuch (1776-1780) he discusses nutation, aberration of light, Saturn's rings and comets; in the Nova acta Helvetica (1787) he has a long paper "Sur le son des corps elastiques," in Bernoulli and Hindenburg's Magazin (1787-1788) he treats of the roots of equation and of parallel lines; and in Hindenburg's Archiv (1798-1799) he writes on optics and perspective.
The distances separating the individual orbits in each group seem to approximate to a certain order of progression, expressed in Bode's law (see Bode).