We went there a decade ago to play bar billiards.
The quiet community offers an artist's studio, fine dining, professional trainers, swimming pool, billiards, music room, and much more.
Double dates are great for dates to places like an amusement park, a dinner in a restaurant, billiards, bowling and more.
All the more remarkable spirits of the time, like prophets in Israel, denounced a tyranny which put Chamillart at the head of the finances because he played billiards well, and Villeroy in command of the armies although he was utterly untrustworthy; which sent the patriot Vauban into disgrace, banished from the court Catinat, the Pre Ia Pense, exiled to Cambrai the too clear sighted Fnelon, and suspected Racine of Jansenism and La Fontaine of independence.
You can buy antique reconditioned Bar Billiards tables from Masters Games.