I'll bet it's beautiful in the spring, and I can imagine Christmas here with a big tree over there and a roaring fire in the fireplace...
It is the opinion of John Muir that the big tree would normally live 5000 years or more; that the California groves are still in their prime; that, contrary to general ideas, the big tree was never more widely distributed than now, at least not within the past 8000 or io,000 years; that it is not a decaying species, but that on the contrary " no tree of all the forest is more enduringly established in concord with climate and soil," growing like the mountain pine even on granite, and in little danger save from the greed of the lumberman; but other excellent authorities consider it as hardly holding its own, especially in the north.
In this belt and the following one of firs the big tree also grows.
As the redwood is limited to the Coast Range, so the big tree is limited wholly to the Sierra Nevada.
Usually we take one of the little "Readers" up in a big tree near the house and spend an hour or two finding the words Helen already knows.