The corolla is generally funnelshaped, more rarely bell-shaped or tubular; the outer face is often marked out in longitudinal areas, five well-defined areas tapering from base to apex, and marked with longitudinal striae corresponding to the middle of the petals, and alternating with five non-striated weaker triangular areas; in the bud the latter are folded inwards, the stronger areas being exposed and showing a twist to the right.
Lapageria, a native of Chile, is a favourite greenhouse climber with fine bell-shaped flowers.
They are freegrowing shrubs with showy bell-shaped flowers, and are favourite greenhouse plants.
The plants are bulbous herbs, with flat or rounded radical leaves, and a central naked or leafy stem, bearing a head or umbel of small flowers, with a spreading or bell-shaped white, pink, red, yellow or blue perianth.
The flowers are bell-shaped, yellow or red, and in some of the forms double.