Family ties run deeply within Asian families, and even Americanized single Asians still get a lot of input on their dating partners from well-meaning parents.
The flow of emigration is mainly to the United States, and a certain number of the emigrants return (27,612 in 1906) bringing with them much wealth, and Americanized views which have a considerable effect on the political situation.
Throughout the decades, Americans have come to think of spaghetti and meatballs and pizza as common Italian fare, however, the truth is, these dishes have been Americanized.
Mexican food today has been so Americanized much of it has little to do with the fine culinary traditions that fueled the country for centuries.
It's made up of many Americanized versions of Mexican foods, and it evolved along the Texas-Mexican border, blending traditional Mexican foods with Americanized tastes and even some Southwestern cowboy fare thrown in.