The tall Ae. grandiflorum forms a spreading bush about a foot high, from which springs racemes of pink and lilac flowers.
A variety called purpurascens (sometimes Ae. discolor) has much showier flowers, larger, and of a reddish tint.
The AEsculi, named in gardens and nurseries as Ae. neglecta, hybrida, pubescens, Lyoni, rosea, and pallida, may be included in one of the foregoing species.
American Ae. parviflora (dwarf Buckeye) is a handsome shrub, 6 to 10 fhigh, flowering in late summer.
The vertical distance above the line ab of any point in the dotted line dc is proportional to the vertical component of the compressive stress on the line ale assumed to vary uniformly from face to face, and similarly the vertical distance of any point in the3-dot-and-dash line ae above the line ab is proportional to the vertical component of the stress determined experimentally.