Disabled Synonyms and Antonyms

To make incapable, as of doing a job
  1. handicapped
  2. useless
  3. weakened
  4. incapacitated
  5. crippled
  6. physically-challenged
  7. impaired
  8. injured
  9. maimed
  10. hamstrung
  11. wounded
  12. mangled
  13. lame
  14. mutilated
  15. silenced
  16. run down
  17. worn-out
  18. wrecked
  19. stalled
  20. bedridden
  21. helpless; confined to one's bed
  22. confined to one's home
  23. confined to a hospital
  24. confined to a nursing home
  25. etc.; impotent
  26. castrated
  27. halting
  28. limping
  29. hobbling
  30. palsied
  31. superannuated
  32. paralyzed
  33. paraplegic
  34. quadriplegic
  35. brain-damaged
  36. senile
  37. decrepit
  38. on one's back
  39. laid up
  40. done for
  41. done in
  42. cracked up
  43. banged-up
  44. broken-down
  45. out of action
  46. counted out
People collectively who are crippled or otherwise physically handicapped
  1. handicapped

Words Related to Disabled

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
