A La Mode Synonyms

älə mōd, ălə
Being or in accordance with the current fashion
  1. chic
  2. stylish
  3. modish
  4. dashing
  5. fashionable
  6. mod
  7. served with ice cream
  8. posh
  9. smart
  10. swank
  11. swanky
  12. topped with ice cream
  13. latest
  14. trig
  15. classy
  16. in
  17. sharp
  18. with ice cream
  19. snappy
  20. swish
  21. in-style
  22. tony
  23. trendy
  24. with-it
  25. newfashioned
  26. in vogue
  27. soignée
  1. fashionably
  2. modishly
  3. stylishly