Jargon Synonyms and Antonyms

Hybrid language
  1. dialect
  2. patois
  3. lingo
  4. vernacular
  5. cant
  6. argot
  7. idiom
  8. pidgin english
  9. broken English
  10. creole
  11. koine
  12. slang
  13. lingua franca
  14. chinook-jargon
  15. calque
  16. beach-la-mar
  17. sabir
  18. interlanguage
Specialized vocabulary
  1. argot
  2. slang
  3. dialect
  4. cant
  5. lingo
  6. shoptalk
  7. idiom
  8. gobbledygook
  9. patois
  10. vocabulary
  11. legalese
  12. colloquialism
  13. neologism
  14. coined word
  15. coinage
  16. terminology
  17. buzzword
  18. officialese
  19. bureaucratese
  20. journalese
  21. computerese
  22. abracadabra
  23. novelese
  24. academese
  25. babble
  26. medicalese
  27. balderdash
  28. businesspeak
  29. language
  30. newspeak
  31. baloney
  32. pig-latin
  33. bosh
  34. dog-latin
  35. bull
  36. lexicon
  37. patter
  38. bunk
  39. localism
  40. jargoon
  41. rhyming-slang
  42. doubletalk
  43. doublespeak
  44. drivel
  45. double-dutch
  46. flash
  47. thieves' Latin
  48. gabble
  49. peddler's French
  50. gibberish
  51. slanguage
  52. hogwash
  53. psychobabble
  54. technobabble
  55. vernacular
  56. malarkey
  57. nonsense
  58. palaver
  59. pidgin
  60. poppycock
  61. twaddle
  1. standard

Words Related to Jargon

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
