Aboard Synonyms and Antonyms

On or in a transportation object
  1. on-deck
  2. on-board
  3. on ship
  4. shipped
  5. loaded
  6. on board ship
  7. freight on board
  8. f-o-b
  9. being shipped
  10. across
  11. en-route
  12. consigned
  13. in the hold
  14. in-transit
  15. alongside
  16. being transported
  17. embarked
  18. afloat
  19. at-sea
  20. astride
  21. topside
  22. en voyage (French)
  23. traveling
  24. athwart
  25. at point of entry
  26. present
  1. ashore
  2. off
  3. disembarked
  4. on land
  5. not-on
On first or second or third base
  1. on-base
  2. hereabout
  3. hereat
  4. hereinto
  5. hereto
On a ship, train, plane or other vehicle
  1. on-board
Side by side
  1. alongside
  1. hitherward

Words Related to Aboard

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
