It's difficult to deny that Napa Valley is the eponym for California wine country.
I am honored and touched by those of you who felt fit to use this eponym.
If Cain is the eponym of the Kenites it is quite possible that Abel was originally a South Judaean demigod or hero; on this, see Winckler, Gesch.
The suggestion has been made that the name Cain is the eponym, of the Kenites, and although this clan has a good name almost everywhere in the Old Testament, yet in Num.
These Simple And Earnest Scenes De La Vie Reelle Are An Appealing Revelation Of That Eternal Secret Of The Soil Which Every People.; Wishing To Have A Country Of Its Own Must Early Lay To Heart;' And Jean Rivard, Le Defricheur, Will Always Remain The Eponym Of The New Colons Of The 19Th Century.