The prince walked in quickly and jauntily as was his wont, as if intentionally contrasting the briskness of his manners with the strict formality of his house.
It's also not like smaller fashion scarves, which you can jauntily tie around your neck.
Anatole went out of the room and returned a few minutes later wearing a fur coat girt with a silver belt, and a sable cap jauntily set on one side and very becoming to his handsome face.
Some of the items you can expect to see here include traditional, large beach balls, colorful plastic rings and the jauntily named Toypedo Bandits; brightly colored toys that are shaped like torpedoes.
Nesvitski looked round and saw, some fifteen paces away but separated by the living mass of moving infantry, Vaska Denisov, red and shaggy, with his cap on the back of his black head and a cloak hanging jauntily over his shoulder.